Janelle Larson

Janelle Larson
Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics
Gaige Technology and Business Innovation Building, 210

Dr. Janelle Larson is an associate professor of agricultural economics. Larson has extensive experience in research and training focused on gender and development, including serving as PI on a USAID Horticulture Innovation Lab-funded project and as Co-PI on two additional Innovation Lab projects focused on gender. Through these projects and the Penn State Gender Equity through Agricultural Research and Education (GEARE) initiative, she has provided numerous workshops and training on gender in development and incorporating gender in research. Larson also more than 20 years’ experience in higher education, including both teaching and administration. For the past 12 years she has co-taught a course at Penn State as part of an initiative to develop livelihood options for former street-dwelling youth in Kenya, in collaboration with an organization there.

Larson, Janelle, Paige Castellanos and Leif Jensen.2019. Gender, Household Food Security, and Dietary Diversity in Western Honduras. Global Food Security. 20: 170-179. Glenna, L, Y Borlu, T Gill, J Larson, V Ricciardi, and R Adam. 2017. Food security, sweet potato production, and proximity to markets in northern Ghana. FACETS 2: 919–936. doi:10.1139/ facets-2017-0027.

D.Phil., Agricultural Economics, University of Oxford

M.Sc., Agricultural Economics, University of Oxford

B.A., Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Kansas State University

B.S., Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University

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